Freedom Books and Plays

MARTIN: Ma’am.

MELI: Martin, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the regatta? You should be crewing, shouldn’t you?

MARTIN: The Master said I could have the day off. But Colonel Kernahan told me to return to the estate. So I picked up the pamphlet and came over.

MELI: Well, what a lovely surprise! What did you make of the United Irishmen?

MARTIN: Great! Really great! If only they had succeeded we wouldn’t be fighting now.

MELI: Did you have problems with the writing?

MARTIN: Only the French. Libert, egalite, fraternite.

MELI: (Laughing) Liberté, égalité, fraternité.

MARTIN: Liberty, equality and brotherhood or death! That should be our motto too.

MELI: It was the French Revolution that really influenced the United Irishmen. Anyway, enough of the death, Martin.

MARTIN: Wolfe Tone wanted Liberty – to break the connection with England, didn’t he? ‘The never failing source of all our political evils’, he said.

MELI: But he also wanted Equality. In those days the Protestant Ascendancy was running the country and the Catholics were mainly peasants.  

MARTIN: And brotherhood?

MELI: The United Irishmen wanted to unite all Irishmen, regardless of religion. Wolfe Tone was Church of Ireland and there were many Presbyterians at the first meeting.

MARTIN: So Protestants and Catholics could be brothers. (Laughing) Like you and me?

MELI: Like the two of us.

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