Freedom Books and Plays

ALEC: So? Anyway, what’s this that you have been visiting the McCarthys?

MELI: What do you mean?

ALEC: Mrs Murphy has told me. (Laughing) You don’t fancy Martin, do you? All the other ladies do. Muscular with a big smile and beautiful white teeth.

MELI: Don’t be revolting. Anyway that’s the sort of thing your stupid friends would say.

ALEC: Then why have you been to see the McCarthys?

MELI: Because she’s been ill.

ALEC: And Martin?

MELI: He’s never there. Always on the Estate. Being chased by your friend, that boor, Colonel Kernahan.

ALEC: Now, now Meli. Show a bit of respect. Though I wouldn’t say Kernahan is exactly a friend.

MELI: Not like his sporty wife?

ALEC: Enough of that.

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