Freedom Books and Plays

MARTIN: And you have always been good to me. All those books. I’ve learnt so much thanks to you. What’s going to happen to me?

MELI: I’ll get you to Dublin somehow.

MARTIN: I’ll be a wanted man.

MELI: Then you’ll have to get over to America.

MARTIN: We may not see each other again.

MELI: Enough of this. We’ve work to do. I must go.

MARTIN: Please look after Con, he’s a good lad. He’s making a real man.

MELI: He’s reading some of Robbie’s books now.

MARTIN: Robbie’s been good for Con. He’s such a lively youngun’.

MELI: Oh! I didn’t tell you we’ve just received Robbie’s school report. (Laughing) He’s follows after me you know. ‘Brilliant’ in English Composition.

MARTIN: Then one day he must write the story of the Black and Tans. He can tell everyone what it was really like. People must never forget what the occupation has done to us or it will happen again.

MELI: And should he write about us?

MARTIN: Perhaps not. That’s our secret. Meli starts to leave. You’ve saved my life. I’ll never forget what you’ve done.

MELI: (pausing) And what a fine life it is to save!

MARTIN: (raising his hand which Meli takes) Me darling! If I pull through this lot, I’ll lay my life at your feet, for I owe it to you already.
Martin pulls Meli towards him and tenderly kisses her cheek.

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